Share secrets such as passwords, API keys, and SSL certificates simply and securely.

Share a secret now...

Verify using your Google Account


Authenticate Yourself

Either enter your email and click on the link we send you or use Google OAuth so we can get to know you, it's a trust thing :)


You add the secret sauce

Then you enter your secret, ensure the recipient is correct, add comments and expiry and hit send to mail them the only copy of the decryption key.


Share the love

Once they view the secret, the encrypted copy is deleted from the system, never to be seen again. No data is even better than encrypted data!

What goes on behind the scenes?

Shh... it's a secret! But you look trustworthy... read on :)

Why is this useful?

Instead of secrets being sent by email, in support systems, via instant messaging services or the like, a unique link is sent instead, which only works once.

This way, only an unusable link will remain protecting the secret from further prying eyes.

Why should we trust you?

We built this service to solve our own problem of sharing secrets with customers. We know trust is a thing, so we open sourced the whole project for any peer review.

If you find something, please let us know or send a pull request and we'll get it fixed.

Are secrets stored?

Yes, but only encrypted with a one way cipher that we don't store the key for. The only copy of the key is sent to the receipient you specify.

Once the secret is read by the recipient, we even delete the encrypted version from the database, just leaving the meta data behind so in future versions you can have a dashboard to see what you sent to whom (coming soon).

How much does this cost?

It's free for you to use to send secrets to whomever you want - we just ask that you don't do anything that could be against the law or harrass anyone with this service.

There is a paid version on the horizon that handles files as well, stay tuned :)

Can we run our own copy?

Of course, there is a GPL licensed version, we just ask you don't compete with this service in doing so by only use it internally for your staff and clients.

We trust you to do the right thing :)

Can you help us set this up?

Sure, contact us to get more information about our Ruby on Rails OpsCare and CodeCare services.

We are experts at keeping critical Rails applications online.

About is available for anyone to use, it is a Ruby on Rails application created and built by reinteractive and hosted through reinteractive's OpsCare service. It has been made open source to ensure transparency on the service and to encourage contribution to improve the security of the application.

If you do not want to (or can not) use our hosted version, you are welcome to run your own version for your own company or organisation, we only

stipulate that you may not run it as a service for third parties in competition to

If you would like assistance getting (or any other Rails application) setup, hosted and maintained on AWS, please consider contacting us to get more information about our Ruby on Rails OpsCare and CodeCare services.

It is free to use and is governed by our Terms & Conditions.